Shorty Softrock

Shorty speaks his mind about food, politics and books. Always interested in what you think, Shorty will listen then speak.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hello, this is my blog!

This blog is my way to spread the word, my word, on restaurants, books, politics and other things which I think are important.

I have a account which organizes my interest in books and allows me to communicate with others who also are interested in the subjects I am interested in.

I am interested in History. A subject which tortured me in High School.

What triggered my interest in History? One day I decided to learn all I could about God. I was a Roman Catholic but never heard anything which satisfied me. I searched on the web for anything Jewish which spoke of God. I read about "he who has no name" and Genesis.

I soon decided that this wasn't the history of God at all. It was the history of the Jewish god.

I read several books on philosophy. First I read the Consolidations of Philosophy which gave me an idea of what philosophers had in mind. I then read a book on Cynics. These guys didn't impress me at all about any divinity. I then read Cicero on the Nature of the Gods.

My search goes on.